Coach/Volunteer Certification
All Ceritification requirements are for both Minor and Female hockey.
Risk Management, who needs what?
All volunteers at all levels - Regardless of position as coach, assistant coach, trainer or manager registered with any minor hockey team or association must complete the HNS screening process of Criminal Records and Child Abuse Registry
checks. (A complete screening policy and process can be found under the Risk Management tab) Criminal Records and Child abuse Registry checks must be resubmitted every 3 years.
All volunteers at all levels - Regardless of position as coach, assistant coach, trainer or manager registered with any minor hockey team or association must complete the Speakout course or take the Respect in Sport on line course.
Coach Certification, What do I need?
Initiation Program - All on ice instructors/coaches/assistants must complete the Intro Coach program along with the Risk Management screening and course above.
Novice - All on ice instructors/coaches/assistants at all Novice levels, Development, Intermediate andAdvancing, must complete the Intro Coach program along with the Risk Management screening and course above.
Atom, Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget Rec/House - All on ice instructors/coaches/assistants must complete the Intro Coach program along with the Risk Management screening and course above and at least onebench staff must have the Hockey Canada Safety Program (HCSP).
Atom, Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget AAA, AA, A and Bantam B - All Coaches/Assistants/On Ice Instructors must complete the NCCP Development Stream A level clinic, the Hockey Canada Safety Program (HCSP), along with the Risk Management screening and course above.
Atom, Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget AAA, AA, A, B, C - All trainers, non ice bench personnel must complete the Hockey Canada Safety Program (HCSP), along with the Risk Management screening and course above. These personnel are not permitted to go on the ice to instruct or assist with practice unless they have the appropriate coach certification.
Special Circumstances
All volunteers at all levels - Regardless of position as coach, assistant coach, on ice instructor, trainer or manager registered with any minor hockey team or association must complete the Risk management requirements by December 31st of the year they start their involvement.
All Coaches/Assistants/On Ice Instructors - Requiring NCCP Coach and HCSP certification must take one of the two courses in their first year of involvement. It is recommended that coaches take the NCCP certification first, however at least one member of the coaching staff must have the NCCP certification if all coaches are in their first year.
There are no exceptions to the certification requirements and it is the responsibility of the coach and his/her Minor Hockey Association to ensure all requirements are met.